Note that you can contact any officer listed below in blue to send them an quick note.

Co-Presidents:    Nelle Knapp,  Abbie Dansereau

Vice President:   Karen Harrington

Secretary:  Susan DeWitt

Treasurer:  Linda Toohey

Block of the Month Coordinator:  Theresa LePicier, Diane Dupuis

Historian:  Sharon Shorey

Hospitality Coordinator:  Cheryl King

Membership Recorder: Martha Mellor,  Pat Lafontaine

Newsletter Coordinator:  Nelle Knapp, Cheryl King

Program Coordinator:  Laura Bittel

Publicity AgentElyssa Macura

Quilt Cupboard Coordinator:  Wendy Sharkey

Quiltfest Chairpersons:  Lisa Barlow

Workshop: Diane van Kempen

Other Positions:

Name Tag Fabric:  Pat Lafontaine

Sunshine: Carolyn Boud